Уул уурхай

Цааш унших

Social and economic contribution of mining sector

PDAC (2017 - 03 - 05)

Цааш унших

Toronto, Canada (2017.03.05-08) http://www.pdac.ca/convention

Монголын тухай

Цааш унших

Түүх, Геологи, Хүн ам, Засаглалын хэлбэр, Эдийн засаг, Дэд бүтэцийн тухай

  • The Computerized Mining Cadastre System (CMCS) is implemented at the Cadastre Division of MRPAM with the objective to improve administrative procedures and public services.

  • Mineral resources and oil maps of Mongolia

  • Catalog system for Mineral Resouces and Oil information of Mongolia

"Mongolian mineral endowment and unexplored fields are a huge opportunity to discover valuable asset, as well as the key for successful mining industry."


Chairman, Dr. BAATARTSOGT Baldorj
