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Mineral Resources Information and Technology Center


    100 % of the Mongolian territory is covered by geological mapping on a scale of 1:200 000, 
    33.7 % of the Mongolian territory is covered by general exploration work and geological mapping on a scale of  1:50 000,
    100 % of the Mongolian territory is covered by gravimetric surveys on a scale of 1:100 000,
    22 % of the Mongolian territory is covered by gravimetric surveys on a scale of 1:200 000,
    60 % of Mongolian territory is covered by aerial magnetic surveys on a scale of 1:200 000,
    32 % of the Mongolian territory is covered by aerial multispectral surveys on a scale of 1:50 000 and 1:25 000.


Until December 31st, 2016, 2329 “mineral deposits” and 8460 “mineral occurrences” with 80 different commodities were discovered and recorded in Mongolia (MRITC database).
In Mongolia, “mineral deposit” means a mine¬ral concentration that has been formed on the surface or in the subsurface as a result of geo¬logical evolutionary processes, whose quality and reserves are proven, and are economically feasible to mine by production methods
In Mongolia “mineral occurrence” means a sorted mineral concentration whose quantita¬tive and potential mineral resources have been preliminarily evaluated in a pre-feasibility study for final exploration and evaluation in the next stage.
Potential investors should note that in this guide a different classification system has been applied:
•    A “deposit” is an economically mineable mineral concentration applying international standards,
•    An “occurrence” is a non-economically mineable mineral concentration applying international standards, because either the grade or tonnage is too low or the quality is too poor.


The geological information centre was estab¬lished in 1957 when it was called the “State Geological Fund”. In 1997 it was renamed the Geological Information Centre of the Geologi¬cal Survey, MRAM.
All results of geological investigations in Mon¬golia including primary materials are registered and handed over to the archive where the results are processed on the basis of GIC to produce geo-information data. The project will consist of two databases. Private persons and organisations can gain access to the information from primary material, associated information in certain areas and the prepared material. This shows that it is necessary to improve and speed up the service. For this purpose it is necessary to have a computer- supported geographical information system (GIS) database to speed up the processing of the information.
The database on December 31st, 2016 has the fol¬lowing registered content.
The database contains information on 2329 deposits, 8460 occurrences, and 194 deposits of water (MRITC database).
1.    English database information - 1077 deposits and occurrences;
2.    Separate databases for non-metal deposits - 439 sample analysis results are included in the database ;
3.    Database of probable resource minerals - 1299 deposits;
4.    Database of sub marginal reserves - 2328 deposits and occurrences;
5.    Additional database of new information - in province (Aimag) 640, in 9 series – 1250
6.    Database of water points on all sheets - 49565 entries;
7.    Geochemical database - Coordinates of samples on 262 sheets at a scale 1:200 000 are marked and have formed a database, including the result of analyses from 305860 sampling points in a primary database
8.    Database of registration of the geo¬ chemical anomalies - 5895 entries;
9.    Database of registration of the heavy mineral anomalies - 3699 entries;
10.    Database of registration: on all sheets
•    Geology - 2142 entries;
•    Geophysical - 1215 entries;
•    Engineering geology - 526 entries;
•    Hydrogeology - 1022 entries;
11.    Database of intrusive rocks – 3843 bodies;
12.    Database of registration of the stratigraphic
Geology-1040 units;
13.    Database of the paleontology on all sheets -3980 entries;
14.    Database of the reports - 6098 entries;
15.    Database of the editions - 1043 entries;
16.    Database of the boreholes - 9785
17.    350 miscellaneous information reports
18.    Digital topographic maps at a scale
1:200 000-248 sheets;
19.    Database of geophysical maps:
•    Airborne geophysical magnetic 1:200000-248 sheets; database, digital data at a scale
•    Database of digital data at a scale 1:200 000 U-165 sheets, K-173 sheets, Th-166-sheets;
20.     Geological maps, digital, deposits 82 p.
21.    The geological complexes, digital, at a scale 1:200 000 - 80 sheets;
22.    The geological maps, digital, at a scale 1:50 000 - 260 sheets

Categorized database:

  • Mineral resources database
  • Geological survey database
  • Stratigraphical database
  • Igneous unit database
  • Hydrogeological database
  • Geochemical database
  • Mineral Resources Balance Database

Map database:

  • Geological map
  • Mineral resources map
  • Geophysical map
  • Geochemical map
  • Tectonic map

Mineral Resource Database

Geophysics map database, aerial and satellite image data

Mongolia’s Geological Information Catalogue System (MonGeoCat)

    • MonGeoCat has been developed to support MRPAM’s goal to improve geo-information delivery to users, in line with international best practice. Access to authoritative pre-competitive geological information reduces the risks associated with extractives exploration and increases the attractiveness of a country for exploration companies
  • What is MonGeoCat?
    • MonGeoCat provides access to the metadata on geological information in MRITC of MRPAM. This integrated system serves as an information catalogue and consists of 2 interfaces
      • WebGIS The first is a web-based map interface which enables spatial searching with a WebGIS (Geographic Information System). It is based on the ArcGIS platform which is used for mapping and spatial analysis
      • Metadata-catalogue The second interface is a metadata-catalogue which enables searching for basic characteristics of documents. It is based on GeoNetwork, catalogue application to manage spatially referenced resources
    • Metadata is a brief description about data, which captures basic information on who, what, when, where, why and how
  • What does the system provide?

Available in English and Mongolian languages and to any interested user who has access to the Internet

    • Spatial search on WebGIS: Various types of base-maps, small scale geological maps,satellite imagery, mineral deposits, open street maps and others
    • Search the metadata-catalogue using various search functions: Information about datasets such as author, custodian, location, size, format, language, relation to other documents, exploration-specific information, geographic references to the area the documents refer to, types of data included in text documents, access restrictions, and so on
  • How the system works?
    • The integrated system has online access and the main commands are on the ArcGIS platform
    • Operational layers and GIS layers have relationships with information by key code in the MS SQL database to support easy data management
    • Easy switching between the web map and metadata-catalogue interfaces

MonGeoCat has been developed with the support of the Australian Government funded Australia-Mongolia Extractives Program (AMEP)

